Getting Away

I’ve been stuck lately.

I moved from Chicago to North Carolina nearly 2 years ago because of COVID and it has been a long 2 years. I’ve been exploring new career options and trying to figure out how I’d like my future to be. Adventure has always been my calling. And since I was a child, I found my imagination could turn any situation into an adventure.

In the past, I haven’t considered myself a very courageous person. I think my life has been small and boring in many ways. But then I think about all the things I’ve done that have changed my life in big and little ways and I realize, every choice we make matters. So what choices have I made recently?

I flew across the ocean to experience cultures I’ve never seen before and to see if I can find a place that I’d really like to live.

It might not change anything for me, but I’m way out of my comfort zone and I’m having the biggest adventure of my life. I’m going to share my experiences here (and maybe even include some UX design wins and fails I encounter) as I explore new frontiers.

Follow along if you like and remember — Even tiny adventures matter.